7 Ways to Help A Leash-Reactive Dog

Dogs in our Home and Public Manners class learn to focus on their calm owners around distractions.

Dogs in our Home and Public Manners class learn to focus on their calm owners around distractions.

Dealing with a fearful, reactive dog can be very stressful. We all want the perfect dog who happily walks past another dog, not the dog who snaps and snarls, pulling at the end of its leash. Sometimes the dog is being demanding and trying to drag his owner over to say hello, and sometimes the dog thinks it needs to protect his person. There are many things you can do with simple body language, whether the dog is being demanding or is acting out of fear, to show your dog that you are in control of all situations and he can calm down.

1. Stay calm and relaxed. Your energy flows through the leash to your dog. If you begin a walk stressed out and tense, your dog will be on the lookout for something to go after. Maintain a calm attitude from start to finish on your walk, showing your dog there is nothing to worry about.

2. Keep the leash loose. Walking with a tight leash tenses up your dog. If you struggle with loose leash walking, we go over this in our Home and Public Manners class. A loose leash is vital for a relaxed walk!

3. Stay between your dog and the distraction. If someone is walking toward you with a dog, instead of letting the dogs meet as they pass, move your dog to the opposite side so that you are in the middle. This simple act tells him that you are taking care of everything.

4. If your dog is out of control, move toward him and walk away. Then come back and try again. In doing this, you are telling him that every time he barks, you start over.

5. Claim your space. If your dog is jumping all over you in the house, he picks up on your weaknesses and thinks he needs to protect you in public. Instead of backing away from your dog when he jumps on you (essentially taking your space from you), stand tall and walk towards him as you see him moving in your direction. Claim your space and show your dog that you can stand up for yourself so he does not need to.

6. Teach your dog to sit to be released through a doorway. Waiting to come through not only builds your dog’s attention on you, it also shows him that you are going to take care of him on either side of the door. Whoever exits first is the one that gets to scope things out, so let him know that this is your job.

7. Sometimes professional help can be necessary, especially if you do not feel comfortable or need extra guidance. We offer a Feisty Fido class that has helped many dogs overcome their issues and learn to walk with better manners in public. Talk to a trainer about what is best for your dog.

Kersti Nieto
Certified Dog Trainer
K9 Solutions LLC

7 Indoor Activities for Cold Days

2013-02-02 20.03.46During the winter sometimes it is harder to spend as much time outdoors as we would like. Whether it is pouring rain and freezing, or just too cold to be out, there are alternatives to spending time with our dogs that do not have to be in the cold elements.

1. Read what your dog is saying. If you wake up and see that your dog is also snuggled in tight, chances are that he is just as comfortable and content as you are in your warm bed. We all have a habit of worrying too much if our dogs are receiving enough attention or getting enough exercise, but sometimes we can learn to relax from them.

2. Kongs, bully sticks, knuckle bones, and other long-lasting chewies are always your friend. You can keep your dog busy and happy while you get work done around the house.

3. Interactive toy games are a great activity for one-on-one time. Watching and helping your dog find a treat through a challenging maze not only gives him something fulfilling to do, but also shines a light on his talents and quirks.

4. Work on obedience commands. Even if your pooch has already mastered sit, stay, down, come, etc., you can still make a fun game out of drill work. Practice back-to-back commands to see how fast he can do them or how long he can hold them before being released. Lots of praise and fun!

5. If you have always wanted a dog who could twirl, roll over, or pick up his toys, bad weather can be your friend. If you would rather not bundle up and go out, but your dog is bored to death, add lots of mental stimulation by teaching your dog tricks.

6. Play Hide and Seek. You can play it to practice recall, get the kids involved, and teach them the foundation to search and rescue. Have one person hide, ask your dog to go find them, and then give lots of praise when he finds them. You can also hide their favorite toy somewhere in the house and have him search. This really gets them using their noses and makes a nice tired dog!

7. If you get cabin fever and want to take your dog somewhere, car rides can be an adventure, even if you do not plan on taking your dog out. Visit your favorite pet store and walk down all the aisles, practicing sit, stay, down, leave it, and come. Tire your dog out and then as a reward he can pick out a treat or toy.

Kersti Nieto
Certified Dog Trainer
K9 Solutions LLC

7 Ways to Build a Reliable Recall

Have fun with your dog and make coming to you a great thing!

Have fun with your dog and make coming to you a great thing!

If you want your dog to come when called, it is not something that just happens. Recall takes practice and it will be something you work on throughout your dog’s whole life. A dog who does not come when called can lead to all sorts of frustrations. Not only is your dog blowing you off (especially if you know he knows his name), but it can become a safety issue if you are near a road or somewhere unfamiliar. The good news is that it is very simple to practice and only takes a few minutes of your day.

1. Always make coming to you the most wonderful thing in the world! You want to give your dog over-the-top praise, especially if you have a young puppy, to set the bar for how meaningful it is to you. When your dog sees how happy you are for that behavior, he will always want to please you.

2. Use your dog’s name to get his attention, then only say “come” when he is moving towards you. Saying, “Scruffy, come!” while he is sniffing leaves across the yard gives him a chance to ignore you. Make sure he is on his way before adding the word “come.”

3. Build small, and work with a leash to practice. If your dog does not come to you when called from two feet away, he definitely will not from 10 feet. You can practice come from close by, reeling him in on leash and eliminating the chance for ignoring you. This reinforces recall all the time and builds on small successes. Gradually build the distance to working on a long line, and follow through with lots of praising. For an example of working on a long leash, watch this short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOBF-3N08nw.

4. You can also use high value, extra tasty treats here and there, but you do not want to rely on treats all the time. Nobody wants to carry salmon treats around forever! Use treats sparingly, not always. Some dogs figure out that “come” is only when you have treats, so keep him on his toes. Maybe you have something, maybe not, but the reward is your happiness and praise!

5. Make “come” a game outside! As a family, or with friends, stand in a big circle, and take turns calling the dog over. This will get him used to coming to everyone in the house. If you are comfortable in the yard, you can move to playing at a park with bigger distractions. Keep your dog on a long leash so you can step on it and reel him to you if he gets distracted.

6. Throughout the day when you are home, call your dog over to you when he is not paying attention. This is great practice and makes it become a regular habit to check in with you.

7. Keeping recall positive means never calling your dog when you are mad, frustrated or for something he will not like. Instead of calling “Scruffy!” for a bath, nail trimming, or something he hates, go to him and lead him. Always keep “come” a good thing!

Kersti Nieto
Certified Dog Trainer
K9 Solutions LLC

7 Ways to Deal with a Destructive Chewer

Photo Sep 16, 7 17 14 PM
Dealing with a powerful chewer can be a huge stress. You may find yourself going through countless pairs of shoes or personal belongings, which can add up quickly. A dog constantly destroying things in the house, especially if it’s the wall or base boards, is no fun to deal with.

1. If you have a crazed chewing dog who just can’t seem to get enough, the first thing you can do is think about what type of dog you have and what your activity level is like. Sometimes a dog with pent up energy will find another outlet to burn off steam if he isn’t getting enough exercise or mental stimulation. Is your dog still ready to go after you get back from a walk? Sometimes even running for 30 minutes with your dog can be enough to give him an adrenaline rush, amping him up for more.

2. Supervision is the easiest step. If you have a known chewer, don’t leave him alone in a room full of shoes, books, a remote, or other temptations you know he will go after. If you cannot supervise, crate him or use an exercise pen so you are sure to set him up for success.

3. Provide your dog with appropriate objects to chew, like antlers, knuckle bones, or natural bones with filling. When you see him going for the wrong item, give him a bone as a substitute. Getting really excited and happy about chewing on a bone can also show your dog that you like when he plays with those things.

4. Age can be a factor in chewing. A young puppy is certainly going to be testing his environment. Start showing him early which things are okay and which ones are not. There are also dogs who will be power chewers their whole lives. By setting the rules early, you can show him what you like him to chew.

5. Chew deterrents work really well for some dogs. There are a lot of items like Bitter Apple, Bitter Yuck, and Bitter Cherry that have an unpleasant taste to stop the dog from chewing. When you try a new product, always be watchful – you may have a dog who likes the bitter taste!

6. With children (and adults!) there are always consequences for actions. If you catch your dog in the act of chewing the base board, you can give him a correction and then lead him straight to his crate. This is fine as long as your dog likes his crate and you give him a treat any other time. You are showing your dog that chewing the wall leads to loss of free time, just like a child going to time out in his room.

7. Some dogs are seeking attention by grabbing things they know upset you. These dogs know that picking up the remote means you will yell “No!! Drop it! Drop it! Get back here!” as you chase them through the house, or yell at them after you’ve found it chewed up. This negative attention is still attention to them, and what they’re hearing is “Yea woohoo! Grab that remote and lets play chase!” If you think this is your dog, try ignoring him when he grabs something and go find something even more interesting, like a squeaky ball. Chances are that he will want what you have, dropping what he has because you did not make a big deal out of it.

Kersti Nieto
Certified Dog Trainer
K9 Solutions LLC

7 Tips for Introducing a New Dog to Your Pack

Results are no more pulling on outings (2)

Having a multiple dog pack can be beneficial. Not only is it therapeutic to us, but it allows our dogs to have canine companions as well and give them great outlets for exercise and socializing. If you are considering adding a new dog to your pack, whether you already have one or multiple dogs, here are a few things to consider when introducing the new family member.

1. What is the activity level of your household—yourself and your dog(s)? Are your dogs content with being couch potatoes? Or do they love to romp and play together outside? You want to match the energy level for yourself and your pets. Also consider your dogs’ prey drive if you are considering a small breed. Talk with a trainer about what energy and temperament is a good fit for your family. Rescue groups are always willing to make sure you have a good match as well.

2. When the day comes to bring your new dog home, go straight for a walk. If this is the very first time the dogs are meeting, have someone start walking the original dogs, and then join up with them so the dogs will form one pack. The faster you walk, the easier the dogs will fall into place. You can also take turns walking one dog in front of the other so they have a chance to smell each other while they continue moving. A big walk tires them out and helps them have a calm energy when you get home.

3. As long as all dogs are relaxed and happy, invite them inside the yard or in the house. Remember that this shouldn’t be a big deal at all, so stay relaxed. If you are anxious for them to get along, take another loop around the block and come back to the house fully at ease. Dogs will pick up quickly on nervous energy, so stay cool, confident, and relaxed.

4. Always supervise their initial interactions. If one or both dogs looks like they are becoming excited or stressed, take a break, separate or crate them, and revisit when you are ready.

5. Claim objects as your own to eliminate resource guarding. Your current dogs may want to rush in and grab up whatever bones or toys are around, but humans are the only ones allowed to do that! Have everything picked up so that nothing is lying around, and then make an exercise of it. Show them you are the giver of all things good and tasty.

6. Pay attention to how they are feeling. If it seems like interactions are too much for one dog, maybe the new dog is overwhelmed by change, or the old dog is too excited, continue with the pack walks until you feel comfortable that the energy is more relaxed. Not all dogs are the same, so it may take some longer to adjust to a new setting.

7. Treat each dog like an individual. With the introduction of a new dog, don’t forget the old one-on-one time you had with your first dog(s), and remember to find what makes the new dog tick. You may have one dog who loves jogging by your side, while the other would love nothing more to play fetch for a few minutes. Spending time together is always wonderful, but it’s also important to find outlets to let your dog’s “personality” shine through and build your bond bigger.

Kersti Nieto
Certified Dog Trainer
K9 Solutions LLC

7 Indoor Activities for You and Your Dog

Between the summer heat and storms, many owners and dogs find themselves stuck indoors. Just because the weather is not conducive to outdoor activities does not mean there is nothing to do! Whether it is pouring rain or 100 degrees outside, it’s the time to get creative with indoor activities.

1. Practice basic commands, especially ones that your dog has yet to master. Mental exercise can make your dog more tired than physical.

2. Turn your house into a playhouse. If you have a long hallway, stairs, a covered porch, or garage, use it to play fetch or practice the Come command. Have your dog sit at the top of the steps with your Stay command, go down first, then call your dog. Repeat going back up. Make it a fun and happy game, and you will not even realize that you are getting exercise too! If you have a treadmill, you can acclimate your dog to walking on it.

3. You can play Hide and Seek to practice Come, get the kids involved, and teach them the foundation to search and rescue. Have one family member hide, then ask your dog to go find them, and then give lots of praise when he finds them! If your dog is more motivated by toys, hide his favorite toy and have him find it. This really gets dogs using their noses!

4. Puzzle Toys are a great way to provide mental exercise as well as build the human-canine bond. Check out all the neat toys on the market that can keep you and your dog involved together such as Nina Ottoson Puzzles or Kyjen Puzzles which you can find at one of our own local pet stores: http://www.animall.org.

5. Teach fun tricks. When you have a lot of time inside, it can be a great time to teach your dog some fun commands like roll over, dance, or speak! Remember to always keep it fun and enjoy yourself. The more genuine you are with teaching tricks, the more receptive the dog will be to your enthusiasm.

6. After an indoor mental exercise, you can take advantage of your dog’s calm state of mind to groom them. Having that calm down time gives you the opportunity to check your dog over, brushing them, checking their teeth, cutting their nails, and giving them a good look over.

7. Cuddle together or set them up with a stuffed kong or chewies such as bully sticks to settle down while you relax!

Kersti Nieto
Certified Dog Trainer
K9 Solutions LLC

7 Steps for Staying Cool in the Summer Heat

Summer is here, bringing us longer days of sunshine and fun in the great outdoors, as well as heat that can lead to dangerous heat stroke for our dogs.

1. Pay attention to what your dog is saying
Dogs cool off with heavy panting and excessive drooling. If your dog sits down, refuses to move, or tries to go back home, they’re not likely being hard-headed. They might be asking to go back to where it’s cool. Brachycephalic dogs (short-nosed dogs like pugs, boxers, bulldogs, boston terriers, etc.) are quicker to overheat because of their short airways, so avoid too much exposure. If you see your dog digging outside, take a second to watch – many dogs will dig to find cool earth to lie in.

2. Don’t overdo it
Exercising, whether walking, jogging, or running, is great, but go early mornings or later evenings. This will be better for both you and your pup. If you do have to take a walk in the heat of the day, stay in the shade, let your dog walk in the grass instead of on the hot sidewalk or pavement, take plenty of water, and keep your walks shorter.

3. Fresh water
Make sure, whether inside or out, that your pups have access to fresh water all the time. If they have a giant bowl full of water, but it’s been sitting in the sun all day, fill it with fresh water. You wouldn’t want to drink a hot glass of water.

4. Play with water!
Some dogs love water. Fill up a kiddie pool up and place it in the shade. Some dogs will lie in it, while others may just play fetch while you throw their ball into it. Super soakers or playing with the hose can be fun for dogs who like to catch water in their mouths, and some love to play in the sprinkler! If your dog doesn’t like water, you can always leave a wet towel out in the shade (if not a chewer!) or freeze a big bowl of water. Putting that big block of ice out in the yard is like a big popsicle for a kid, and your dog can choose to take a lick whenever it feels like it.

5. Keep their paws cool
Dogs release heat through their paws, so walking on hot pavement or sidewalk traps that heat is miserable for them. They can also burn their pads. A good rule of thumb is taking the back of your hand and pressing it against the pavement, or walk around barefoot. If it’s not comfortable for you, it won’t be for your dog either. If you end up walking during the heat of the day, have your dog walk on grass. You could also try using dog booties to protect their pads or even paw wax. Paw wax protects their pads from concrete heat during the summer and from road salt and cold during the winter. While out and about, you can spray your dog’s paws with water, and also their stomachs, to help keep them feeling great.

6. Products that keep dogs cool
There are so many things out there made to beat the heat like bandannas or cooling vests, elevated outdoor dog beds that allow air to flow underneath, and frozen chew toys. If you shop around in small pet stores, a lot of times you can find unique and interesting products to stay cool.

7. Never leave your dog in a hot parked car!
When it’s 75 degrees outside, the temperature in a car can still quickly heat up. Even in the shade with the windows cracked, the car will get hot in minutes without air circulating or the air itself being hot. Another reason they may become dehydrated faster is excitement from watching other people walk by or from being nervous that you’re gone. Even at lower temperatures than 75 degrees, the humidity might be too high for your dog to stay in a car so be aware of the humidity level as well. If you don’t want to sit in a car on a certain day, neither do they! If you’re travelling with your dog, remember to keep the air conditioner running and have plenty of water available.

Kersti Nieto
Certified Dog Trainer
K9 Solutions LLC

7 Venues to Socializing your Dog

Socializing your dog is crucial for you to enjoy a well-rounded, well-mannered pooch. Not only will you enjoy the company of your buddy in public without embarrassment, but it will help greatly with mental stimulation, exercise, leadership, and self-control. The more you socialize  your dog, the less of a big deal public distractions will be to her.

Ways to Socialize your Dog

1. Have coffee/lunch/dinner at coffee shops and restaurants initially on your own then with family and friend.

2. Take him to your friends or family’s homes as well as social gatherings (with permission of course). Ask for their rules. If they wish for you to keep your dog crated, then bring a bully stick and water to keep your dog occupied. He will learn to adapt to different situations whether he is crated, leashed, or roaming among folks. Of course, roaming politely at a gathering will be the ultimate goal to be celebrated with a margarita!

3. Take walks in different locations at parks such as Shelley Lake, Lake Lynn, Pullen Park, etc. as well as outdoor malls such as Stonehenge Mall. This will expose your dogs to different distractions such as grocery store carts and doors that open/close,  joggers, bikes, strollers, ducks, playgrounds, bridges, etc.

4. Take your dog to dog-friendly businesses such as pet stores and including your own work place. I have had clients report that they received permission to go into a home improvement stores, video stores, jewelry stores, etc. You can ask any establishment that doesn’t sell food.

5. Take your dog with you on errands, family activities, and, if you are self-employed, to your coffee shop while you work. You can walk him around then keep him in the car while you run into the store (on cool days only of course). Sit on a bench and you both watch the kids play. Work while your dog learns to lounge.

6. Socializing also includes having guests over so you and your dog can practice door manners as well as not harassing your guests. You might have to start with your dog on a leash and even give him a bully stick to keep himself busy, until you can weane him off both as you continue your training step-by-step.

7. If your dog is still rowdy and you need guidance, classes are a great socializing venue while receiving professional guidance so you can get the manners in quicker. Dogs learn to pay attention to you with dogs and owners around. A favorite is the Public Manners class so it’s real life.

And throughout this part of your journey with your canine companion, have fun!

Sylvie Pleasant
Specializing in Manners
Certified Dog Trainer and Behavior Consultant
K9 Solutions LLC

Tuesday Training Tips: 7 Steps to Prevent Cat Chasing

1. Put your dog on the leash (supervised) so you have something to step on if your verbal correction fails.

2. Do early, early verbal corrections. As soon as the dog just looks at the cat, tell him firmly “No!” Don’t wait for the chase and then just participate yourself in the chase!

3. Practice 1-min Sits and/or Downs on a leash in the same room as the cat about 1-3 times per day at a distance that the dog can handle.

4. As the dog progresses, close in on the distance between dog and cat.

5. As the dog progresses, drop the leash.

6.  As the dog progresses, weane off the leash.

7. Practice Heels on a leash around the cat.

For most dogs, it’s just a question of allowing them to get used to the cat so the obedience training will help in making the cat not be such a “new” thing. You want the cat to become old hat and a part of the family pack.

And the rules in your house are “we just don’t chase the cat” so use your leadership skills.

Sylvie Pleasant
Certified Dog Trainer and Behavior Consultant
K9 Solutions LLC

Friday Canine Friends: Bitsy’s Career


Bitsy with sister Amy Beth

Hi, my name is Bitsy Dog Walker but everybody just calls me Bitsy. I was born on Thanksgiving Day in 2007 and came to live with my human family when I was 7 weeks old. My Great Grandma was a Cocker Spaniel and my Great Grandpa was a Poodle and that makes me a Cockapoo.

The first time Dad took me to the doctor she said that I was so smart and confident that I needed a job. That was a polite way of saying I had waaaay too much energy. So Dad called Sylvie at K9 Solutions and started taking me to school and I loved it! When I graduated I heard people say I was the youngest dog that they ever known to graduate from dog school.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I grew up, but Dad knew I liked people so after a while he took me to back to school with Sylvie where I learned to be something they called a therapy dog. After I got out of that school we started going to places where people sit around and wait for me to come visit them. Boy, that’s cool! People talk real sweet to me and hold me and rub my fur and I show my appreciation by doing tricks for them.

A little later we got into a program called “See Spot Read” where children read to a dog named Spot. Spot must be real busy because he never has shown up so the children read to me! That’s like heaven because children are my favorite people! And that’s how I came to have my job!

My favorite pastimes when I’m not working are spending quite time with Mom while she reads, taking long walks with Mom & Dad, playing games and doing dog agility training with Dad.