7 Steps to Helping your Dog with Thunderphobia

1. If your dog is still low key with his fear of thunderstorms, the very first step is to completely ignore him and go about your business as if all is well in the world. He will see that you are calm and can work on being calmer. Allow him to seek out the spaces that comfort him.

2. Desensitization might help and won’t likely hurt. Get a CD with thunderstorms and play it at the highest level that will NOT cause a reaction from your dog. Play it for a week and, as long as he is not reacting, move the volume up one notch. Keep doing so each week. If he reacts at any level, back off a notch on the volume. Start on days that you are off so you can monitor the results before leaving him alone.  This could take weeks or months. Be patient and consistent.

3. Try Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower Remedies. I’ve had a 75% success rate. You will know very quickly if it works for your dog.

4. Check with your veterinarian on using melatonin. I have had much success for noise phobia with this natural supplement.

5. Work with a veterinarian who specializes in herbs.

6. Thundershirt. A tight shirt-like wrap that calms some dogs. The snugness of the thundershirt works similar to the way you would swaddle a baby, making them feel secure.  Most local pet stores carry these. You can also try wrapping them with a towel or a small t-shirt.

7. If the thundershirt does not work, move onto the Storm Defender Cap with the added benefit of discharging any static electricity buildup that can form in their fur. http://www.stormdefender.com.

Sylvie Pleasant
Specializing in Manners
Certified Dog Trainer and Behavior Consultant
K9 Solutions LLC

7 Dog Calming Signals

Knowing your dog’s calming signals can help you determine when your dog’s is anxious/nervous so you can respond appropriately. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Licking lips

2. Sniffing ground

3. Looking away

4. Turning head away

5. Turning body away

6. Yawning

7. Shaking off

For more information on this fascinating subject, check out Turid Rugaas’ Calming Signals